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Brain= Intelligence, Cognition, Emotion
Intelligence means ability to acquire & apply knowledge.
Cognition means knowledge.
Emotions mean feelings.
Relationship with cognitive:
Intelligence is a score on a test that stays relatively static in a adulthood.
Cognitive abilities can be trained and improved.
Cognition and emotion is related to our brain. Our brain is the hub of nervous system. It is made up of 100 billion nerve cells or nerves.
IQ dictates a certain level of potential.
EQ measures how well a person is able to use their personality , characteristics 7 traits when handling the emotion of themselves & others.
Teaching is a challenging and demanding but rewarding profession. Teachers role in education required many & various abilities. Among them there are two fundamental capacities are very important in the contemporary world. They are cognitive and emotional intelligence.
Why cognitive and emotional intelligence is is important for teachers?
1. Teachers play a significance role.
2. They have to take care of the affective domain (emotion) of the students.
3. Teachers must be looking into their cognitive & emotional intelligence to draw out the cognitive and emotional intelligence of the students.
4. Stressful situation in the class can hamper students learning.
5. New challenge that come with problematic group of students.
6. Crowded classroom.
7. Lack of motivation to complete tasks by students.
8. For a new teacher in fearful & tensed situation.
9. Language challenges.
10. Behavioral issues.
11. Poor time management.
12. Self knowledge is the key to happiness.
13. Struggling to solve conflict (inter-personal relationship).
14. Some teachers are far from being eager to create a positive relationship thinking that students will take advantage of it, in a negative way.
15. Today’s youth needs care and attention and it is the teachers who motivate the leaner to complete education, especially in the secondary education.
Qualities of a balanced teacher (cognitive & emotional):
Knowledge | Skill | Attributes |
Expert, Knowledgeable, Authoritative, Resourceful , Experienced Up to date | Well organized, Manages well, Useful feedback, Well prepared, Good use of mae-rials & teaching aids Clear speaking | Approachable, Acceptable, Positive, Good listener , Demonstrate empathy, Makes eye contact, Responsive, Attentive, Non threate-ning, Open, Recognizing, Doesn’t make assumption |
Cognitive Development :
Cognition is a Latin word ‘cognoscene’ means to know. Cognitive intelligence is the intellectual abilities such a logic, reason, reading, writing. Analyzing and priority.
The cognitive approach in psychology is relatively modern approach to human behaviour that focuses on how we think.
There are 5 cognitive processes;
Attention (concentrate)
Perception (Organize & understand)
Memory (Code, store, record)
Language (Express, thoughts, feelings).
Learning & high reasoning ( Gather knowledge, information & integrate to solve problem.
Cognitive development is the gradual orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex and sophisticated.
Tips for teachers to be good at something:
1. Set up goal.
2. Deconstruct the skills.
3. Researching
4. Remove destruction
5. Pre commits.
Improve cognitive intelligence:
1. Reduce stress level by being positive.
2. Meditation & pray.
3. Exercise
Following the wise sayings:
“ To teach is to learn twice”.
Speak 5 lines to yourself every day:
1. I am the best.
2. I can do it.
3. Almighty is always with me.
4. I am a winner.
5. Today is my day.
“Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression.”
Cognitive development for the students:
There are two major theories regarding cognitive development in the field of educational psychology.
Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s- Theory of Cognition Development” and the Russian psychologist Lev Vigotsky’s – “ Socio- cultural Perspective”:
We can get summery of their development here:
They both provided some important insight for teachers into the development of the students.
Here are four important insights from Piaget & Vygotsky’s theories of development:
1. Piaget:
Importance of observing and understanding students way of thinking. When students attempt to complete task, it is important that teachers watch and listen to figure out if tasks are too easy or too hard. It is also essential to challenge students and push them to acquire new knowledge . However tasks that are far beyond their capability will lead to frustration.
2. Allow students to use their knowledge in different forms – simply learning information is not enough. Students need to take information and use it to help construct new knowledge.
1. Scaffolding (building) and assisted learning:
The role of adults is important in the development of students . In order to help students to learn more difficult ideas and concepts, they need the help of someone who already understands those ideas and concepts. Once the more experienced learner helps them, through it the first few times, the students should be able to complete the task on their own.
2.The concept of “ Magic Middle”- The magic middle is a place where students are “ neither bored nor frustrated.” Students have the capability to complete the task, but may need assistance from a adult or another student.
“ An array of emotional , personal and social abilities which influence one’s overall ability to cope effecting with environmental demands and pressures.”
‘’ The ability to monitor one’s own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions. Mayer & Saovey.
Emotional Intelligence ( EI)
Rational Decision
Emotions Reason/logic
Regulates emotion
In one sentence rational decision is called emotional intelligence.
EI is the ability to
Perceive/Sense: Fear , Anger, Sadness. Happiness
Happiness indicates combine. Sadness indicates separate
facilitate/ Prioritize emotions;
Manage/Applying: Friendly, Altruism, open. Outgoing productive ambition, self acceptance
Benefits of E I
Four C’s
Critical Thinking
Emotionally intelligent people have 5 basic skills according to psychologist Salovey:
1. Self Knowledge:
Emotional awareness
Accurate self assessment
Self confidence
2. Emotional control:
Self control
3. Ability to motivate:
Achievement drive
4. Empathy:
Understanding others
Developing others
Serving others
Leveraging (using) diversities
Political awareness
5. Social and Leadership:
Conflict management
Change catalyst
Building bond
Team capabilities
Tips for teachers:
“ Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
E= Engagement: Greet , Eye contact, Know their names.
X = Explore: Show them how much they should learn.
C= Challenge: Engage students related activities.
E= Encourage the students.
L= Love the unconditionally.
Teaching is NOT an exact science. No matter how many tips you receive, how much practice you have, how many well researched strategies you implement, you may not get the results you want. Stick with it . By continued practice, you will see improvement in yourselves and your students.
Good Luck
WRITER : Zebin Akter, Former Vice Principal, BSISC