
শুক্রবার, জুলাই ৯, ২০২১,১২:০৬ অপরাহ্ণ

[ + ফন্ট সাইজ বড় করুন ] /[ - ফন্ট সাইজ ছোট করুন ]

Zebin Akter

Happiness is within us
We must be thankful what ever we have
Happiness comes through

We must not expect
Expectations always hurt
But questions appear in mind…

Why pain? Why sadness? Why stress?
Sometimes we become…..
Selfish, impatient & a little insecure!
We make mistakes…
We are out of control…..
At times hard to handle things!

Frustration! Irritation , anger, revenge, deceive
embrace our minds!
Start to complain!
Start to judge!
Start to assume!
Start using relationship to
fulfill our selfishness!
Play victim!!

Life becomes hopeless!
Loneliness is our friend!
Detached from the……
Family, friend , community, society !

So Rise up! Wake up! Get up!
Life is precious!
Must not waste a single moment !
Free ourselves from all the worst things that….
Destroy our mental peace!
Release ourselves from a painful burden!
Make peace with our pain!
Ready to let go….

Giving is receiving…
Always put ourselves in others shoes!
We don’t know …..
Some one out there is suffering!
Struggling their own battles!

Kindness is like a boomerang!
Always returns!
Let’s be kind, compassionate,
Considering, compromising!
Love, share, care, serve!
Communicate with nature!
Communicate with people!
Pray to Almighty!

When you think yourself as nothing,
then something important will begin!
We must not hesitant to say sorry!
to apologize!
Apologizing doesn’t always mean….
We are wrong & other people are right!
We must value relationship than ego!

Let’s take a vow…..
Forgive & forget!
Live more, complain less!
Have more smiles , less stress!
Less hate!
Become more blessed!

বিঃদ্রঃ মানব সংবাদ সব ধরনের আলোচনা-সমালোচনা সাদরে গ্রহণ ও উৎসাহিত করে। অশালীন ও কুরুচিপূর্ণ মন্তব্য পরিহার করুন। এটা আইনত দণ্ডনীয় অপরাধ।

একটি উত্তর ত্যাগ

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন দয়া করে!
এখানে আপনার নাম লিখুন দয়া করে