France lifts Covid-19 restrictions on Bangladesh

শুক্রবার, মার্চ ৪, ২০২২,১১:৫০ অপরাহ্ণ

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France lifted her restrictions on Bangladesh and decided to consider Bangladesh as a ‘Green’ listed country with regards to Covid-19 restrictions in France.

French Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Interior said that the decision will be effective from 3 March 2022. To note, France considers those countries as ‘green’ with negligible or moderate circulation of the virus and absence of an emerging variant of concern, whereas the ‘orange’ listed countries are those, which are experiencing active circulation of the virus, in the absence of an emerging variant of concern and showing no vaccine or immune escape.

By dint of the latest decision by the French Government, travelers from Bangladesh who are vaccinated with vaccines of BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca (Vaxevria / Covishield), and Johnson & Johnson will no more be required to have tests on to arrive in France and to depart from France. A proof of a complete vaccination schedule will be sufficient to arrive in France from Bangladesh.

On the other hand, for unvaccinated travelers from Bangladesh, the obligation to present a negative test (RT-PCR) to travel to France will remain. However, the measures on arrival in France (test, isolation) are lifted when they come from countries like Bangladesh which are on the ‘green’ list.

Bangladesh Embassy in Paris had been pursuing with the concerned French authorities to de-list Bangladesh from the restricted countries in light of the satisfactory improvement of Covid-19 situation in Bangladesh.

বিঃদ্রঃ মানব সংবাদ সব ধরনের আলোচনা-সমালোচনা সাদরে গ্রহণ ও উৎসাহিত করে। অশালীন ও কুরুচিপূর্ণ মন্তব্য পরিহার করুন। এটা আইনত দণ্ডনীয় অপরাধ।

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